Eliminating the Middle


Driven by economic uncertainty and technological advancements, many companies are increasingly opting to eliminate middle management positions. But chances are that without a strong middle the top may become unstable, while the bottom may feel aimless!


A recent BBC report lists a slew of layoffs: 1000 at eBay in January 2024; close to another 1,000 at Amazon and its subsidiaries; 20,000 planned at Citigroup by the end of 2026; over 2000 at the retailer Macy’s; and 115 at the Los Angeles Times (which makes up 20% of its workforce). After proclaiming this doomsday listing, the report makes a pithy observation: “Layoffs can hit anyone, from the entry-level to the C-suite. Yet experts say the first wave of workers to go in mass dismissals typically are the much maligned, but always necessary, middle managers.”

In the rapidly changing business environment of the twenty-first century, a growing number of companies across diverse industries are rethinking the traditional hierarchical management structure. American businesses, for example, are witnessing the gradual disappearance of middle management roles. Driven by economic uncertainty and technological advancements, many companies are increasingly opting to eliminate middle management positions. According to a recent report in Forbes, this phenomenon has been dubbed the “Great Unbossing”.

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer, for instance, has pledged to slash corporate bureaucracy and empower employees to manage themselves by the end of 2024. Such restructuring involves reducing management layers in favour of self-directed teams. A key aspect of this transformation is the steady decline of middle management roles, as organisations increasingly opt for flatter, more agile operating models.

Driving forces behind the shift

Experts are still divided on this. Although they acknowledge short-term obstacles, a majority of them believes that the long-term benefits of “unbossing” can be substantial. While some leaders still express concerns about remote employees’ productivity in a boss-less environment, others –like the management at pharma giant Novartis – are actively “unbossing” their workforce. Novartis has actually flagged off an initiative titled the “Unbossed Leadership Experience”, which aims to eliminate outdated management hierarchies and adapt to modern workplace challenges.

Several interconnected factors are fuelling this global trend towards flatter organisational structures that eventually minimises or eliminates middle management layers. Here are the most significant drivers:

  • Technological Advancements: Sophisticated enterprise software, advanced data analytics, and Cloud-based collaboration tools have empowered frontline employees to work more autonomously. This reduces the need for middle managers to coordinate and supervise day-to-day operations.
  • Demand for Responsiveness: In the present-day volatile business landscape, companies require the ability to make decisions and implement changes quickly. Flatter structures facilitate more rapid flow of information and decision-making, enabling organisations to stay nimble and adaptive. With fewer managerial bottlenecks, organisations can respond more swiftly to changing market conditions, customer needs, and emerging industry trends.
  • Fostering Innovation: By removing hierarchical barriers, companies are creating more avenues for innovative ideas to flow directly from employees to senior leadership. Over the long term, such streamlined approaches promote a culture of continuous improvement and empowerment. The more direct feedback loops allow new ideas and technological advancements to be implemented faster, strengthening the company’s competitive edge.
  • Direct Collaboration, Enhanced Ownership: Direct communication channels between frontline employees and senior leadership foster greater cross-functional collaboration and knowledge-sharing. As a result, employees feel a stronger sense of ownership and accountability, leading to higher job satisfaction, productivity, and retention.
  • Cost Optimisation: And finally, there’s the hard fact! Eliminating middle management layers helps organisations reduce overhead costs and redirect resources towards strategic priorities, product development, and customer-centric initiatives.

How flat is too flat?

While the benefits of transitioning to a flatter organisational structure are enticing, companies must also carefully consider the potential drawbacks and risks associated with this approach. As organisations worldwide continue to minimise or eliminate middle management layers, several important factors must be addressed:

  • Accountability and Control Issues: Eliminating middle management roles can blur the lines of reporting and accountability within the organisation. Without clear hierarchical structures, it may become more difficult to assign responsibilities, track performance, and ensure appropriate oversight of critical functions and processes.
  • Coordination and Decision-makingChallenges: In a flatter structure with fewer managerial intermediaries, maintaining effective coordination across the organisation can become more challenging. Without the traditional management hierarchy, clear and firm decision-making processes may become fragmented, potentially leading to confusion, duplication of efforts, and suboptimal outcomes.
  • Skill and Experience Gaps: Middle managers often serve as an important bridge between frontline employees and senior leadership, leveraging their domain expertise and organisational knowledge. Removing this layer can create skill and experience gaps, particularly in areas such as strategic planning, conflict resolution, and employee development.
  • Resistance to Change: Implementing a flatter organisational structure represents a significant cultural shift for many companies. Frontline employees may feel overwhelmed by the increased autonomy and decision-making responsibilities, while displaced middle managers may resist the changes and experience job insecurity.
  • Talent Management Challenges: In a flatter structure, the traditional career progression paths for employees may become less clear. This can make it more difficult to attract, retain, and develop top talent, as individuals may be concerned about the lack of upward mobility and stagnated growth opportunities.
  • Increased Workload and Stress: With fewer managerial layers, the workload for individual contributors and senior leaders may increase, potentially leading to higher levels of stress, burnout, and decreased productivity if not properly managed.
  • Potential Loss of Specialised Expertise: Middle managers are mostly veterans in hands-on execution. Consequently, they often serve as subject matter experts in their respective domains, providing valuable guidance and mentorship to their teams. Eliminating these roles can result in the loss of specialised knowledge and expertise, which may be difficult to replicate or replace.

To address these challenges, organisations transitioning to flatter structures must invest in robust change management strategies, strengthen cross-functional collaboration, and implement comprehensive talent management programs. Additionally, they should carefully monitor the impact of these changes on employee well-being, productivity, and overall organisational effectiveness.

Striking the right balance between the benefits of a flatter structure and the potential drawbacks is crucial for companies seeking to navigate this organisational transformation successfully.If not handled with care, chances are that without a strong middle the top may become unstable, while the bottom may feel aimless!



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