Is Quality Review becoming redundant in the service delivery sector? Part II


Organisations must strike a balance between technology-driven quality assurance and human judgment to leverage the benefits of automation as well as human insight. Here’s the concluding part.

Striking a balance in the QR process

For optimum efficiency, organisations must strike a balance between technology-driven quality assurance and human judgment in the Quality Review (QR)process. Such a balance will enable them to leverage the benefits of automation and AI while harnessing the expertise and insights that human reviewers bring to the table, ultimately leading to improved service quality and customer satisfaction.

The following is a strategic process flow that organisations can employ to achieve this balance:

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of the QR process and identify the specific areas where technology can be leveraged effectively. Determine the aspects that require human judgment and expertise for a comprehensive evaluation.
  2. Utilise Automation and AI: Implement automation and AI-driven tools to streamline routine and repetitive quality assurance tasks. These tools can help identify patterns, detect anomalies, and provide real-time monitoring. Automation can significantly reduce the time and effort required for manual review processes.
  3. Emphasise Human Expertise: Recognise the value of human judgment and expertise in the QR process. Assign skilled professionals who possess domain knowledge and experience to conduct in-depth evaluations that go beyond what automated tools can provide. Human reviewers are more inclined to identify subtle nuances, interpret complex situations, and provide subjective insights.
  4. Collaborative Approach: Foster collaboration between technology-driven quality assurance tools and human reviewers. Encourage open communication channels and feedback loops to ensure that insights from both sources are considered and integrated into the QR process.
  5. Continuous Training and Development: Provide ongoing training and development opportunities for Quality Reviewers to enhance their skills and keep up with technological advancements. This ensures that human reviewers are equipped to make informed judgments and effectively utilise the outputs generated by automated tools.
  6. Establish Quality Metrics: Define and measure key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with the organisation’s quality objectives. Use these metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of both technology-driven and human-driven quality assurance approaches. Regularly review and update the metrics based on evolving business needs and customer expectations.
  7. Feedback Integration: Incorporate customer feedback, employee feedback, and insights from the QR process into a feedback loop. This allows for continuous improvement and enables organisations to make data-driven decisions that balance both technological capabilities and human judgment.
  8. Flexibility and Adaptability: Recognise that the balance between technology and human judgment may vary depending on the specific context and industry. Be flexible and adaptable in adjusting the mix based on changing business requirements, technological advancements, and customer expectations.
  9. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the QR process meets regulatory and compliance requirements. Technology-driven tools can assist in automating compliance checks, while human reviewers can provide the necessary context and oversight to ensure adherence to legal and ethical obligations.
  10. Regular Evaluation and Optimisation: Continuously evaluate the effectiveness of the QR process and make adjustments as needed. Regularly assess the impact of technology-driven quality assurance tools on efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. Optimise the process by integrating feedback from both technology and human reviewers.

AutomatingQR tasks can be a way forward

Certain specific tasks can be automated in the QR process. This can lead to better integration of a QR system even in an automation-centric workflow: Here’s an overview of some of the most obvious QR tasks that can be automated:

  • Data Validation: Automated tools can perform data validation checks to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information being reviewed. They can compare data against predefined rules and identify discrepancies or errors.
  • Compliance Checks: Automation can be used to verify compliance with regulatory standards and internal policies. Automated tools can scan documents, records, and databases to identify non-compliance issues and generate alerts or reports.
  • Error Detection: Automated tools can analyse transactional data and identify errors or anomalies that deviate from predefined thresholds or patterns. This can include identifying billing errors, incorrect data entries, or system glitches.
  • Performance Monitoring: Automated monitoring tools can track key performance indicators (KPIs) in real-time and generate alerts when performance falls below the desired thresholds. This can include metrics such as response time, service level agreements (SLAs), or customer satisfaction scores.
  • Workflow Management: Automation can streamline the workflow management process by automatically assigning tasks, tracking progress, and notifying relevant stakeholders. This ensures that QR tasks are completed efficiently and in a timely manner.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Automated tools can generate comprehensive reports and analytics based on predefined criteria. This includes aggregating data, generating visualisations, and identifying trends or patterns that provide insights into the overall quality of service delivery.
  • Documentation and Documentation Review: Automation can assist in generating standardised documentation, such as audit reports, compliance reports, or quality assessment reports. These tools can also review documents for consistency, completeness, and adherence to predefined templates or guidelines.
  • Customer Feedback Analysis: Automated sentiment analysis tools can process customer feedback from various sources, such as surveys, social media, or online reviews. These tools can analyse the sentiment expressed by customers and identify recurring themes or issues that require attention.
  • Speech or Text Analytics: Automated tools can analyse recorded customer calls or written interactions to identify quality-related issues, such as agent performance, compliance violations, or customer dissatisfaction. This helps in identifying training needs or process improvements.

It’s important to note that while automation can handle many routine tasks, human judgment and expertise are still essential for complex decision-making, subjective evaluations, and tasks that require contextual understanding. The combination of automation and human review ensures a comprehensive and efficient QR process.

Evolve to align with the changing landscape

Ultimately, QR plays a critical role in ensuring that organisations consistently deliver products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations, comply with regulations, and maintain high standards of performance and reliability. It helps organisations identify areas for improvement, enhance customer satisfaction, and build a reputation for excellence.

The service delivery sector is undergoing significant changes due to technological advancements and evolving customer expectations. While some argue that QR processes are becoming redundant, the reality is more nuanced. Automation and AI-driven tools can enhance service quality monitoring and enable proactive interventions. However, the human factor, regulatory requirements, and the need for continuous improvement still validate the relevance of QR processes.In turn, QR processes should also evolve to align with the changing landscape of service delivery.

By embracing emerging technologies, optimising processes, and focusing on customer-centricity, organisations can ensure the delivery of high-quality services while adapting to the evolving demands of the market. Simultaneously, human reviewers can provide valuable insights and subjective evaluations that add depth to the QR process.



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